Get in touch

If you'd like to engage in a conversation, refer to the channels below



Thanks for wanting to get in touch with me! I look forward to hearing from you.

Please keep in mind that I get a huge amount of communications, so this page lists the channels I use and how I like to use them.

You can reach me via email. I'm usually preoccupied with work but I try to respond to emails as soon as I can.

Twitter: @in3xu4
I probably spend too much time here, but it has become my primary means of broadcasting things to the world. Please follow me here. I don't see every mention so you may not get a reply via a public tweet, but I'll try.

LinkedIn: arminzia
My background is decently well covered here. I accept connections from people I've met, worked with, spoken with or otherwise had enough interaction to feel that I can call them a professional contact. I don't respond to requests from people I don't know.

GitHub: inexuscore
You can find my open source projects and code sample repositories here.

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